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즉문즉답 조회 페이지
로지스틱 회귀 분석 혹은 cox 생존 분석 심*양 / 2021.09.27


SPSS 분석관련 논문의 일부 발취글입니다.

Further the hazard ratio (HR) per one standard deviation increment (1 SD increment) was calculated.
For further illustration, HRs estimated for the fourths of C-reactive protein and fibrinogen using the same models are presented. HR and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) are reported with two-tailed probability values. Proportional hazards assumption was checked using standard methods based on testing for significant slope of the smooth curve through the scatter of the rescaled Schoenfeld residuals vs. time.

위와 같이 최근논문에
1 SD incremet을 이용해 HR(또는 OR, odds ratio)를 구하는 방법들이
많이 제시되고 있습니다.

SPSS로 분석이 가능하다면,
1 SD increment를 구하고 HR (또는 OR, odds ratio)을
분석하는 방법을 알려려주심 감사하겠습니다.
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